Wednesday 5 February 2014


Sometimes I begin to wonder how much pain Christ feels when he sees us misbehave. Have you ever taken a second to look at how we live our lives. The bible tells us to present our bodies as living sacrifices holy and acceptable unto God and that this is our reasonable service - Rom 12;1

We ought to always desire to please the Father and not be swayed away by the things of this world--- Luke 21:34. God speaks everyday through his word, our friends, books even colleagues but so many people refuse to listen. Have you ever taught about the kind of excuse that would be presentable to God on the last day? surely there would be none. The bible tells us that every man where in he is called should therein abide with GOD 1 cor 7:24 and goes ahead by warning and telling us the consequences attached to living a life that is fruitless in John 15. Why we do remain stubborn and adamant?  The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that wins souls is wise. Are you wise?

Everything that seems to be attractive today would be gone some day.  The world passes away and the love thereof, but they that do the will of God shall abide forever. Are you doing the will of God? Do you desire the presence of God daily in your life. Have you ever thought of how God feels about you daily? Do you make him regret  making man or do you put smile on his face as a shining light in the midst of this spiritual darkness that the world is in. Let your light so shine my brethren that they may see your good works and glorify the Father which is in heaven. Do you have the love of God ruling your body, spirit and soul? Think about these things and pray that the Lord restores you back to him. He loves you more than you can ever imagine and he would never put more on you more than you can bear.

Pray and ask for his grace to be pleasing unto him.

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