Friday 26 September 2014


Jesus said: Abide in me and I in you, as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, no more can you, except you abide in me...... John 15:4

This illustration given by Jesus takes me to the trees. Did you know that no matter how big a branch happens to grow and become, even if it has almost become a giant tree from the stem, once it is cut off or disconnected from the stem, it suddenly begins to wither away, regardless of how big it had grown before it was disconnected or chopped off from the stem?

Giant branches having their source from the stem of a big tree.
This is exactly what Jesus was saying, no matter how fruitful we have become as branches connected to the vine (Jesus the source), once there is a disconnect, we begin to wither (die gradually), hence the devil comes in.---- who is always roaming about as a roaring lion looking for whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8)
But as long as we remain connected to the vine, we can grow to become giant branches even producing fruits, yielding seeds. WITHOUT GOD, we can do nothing, we are as good as dead.

A branch that is  cut off from the vine usually withers in no time, farmers go round picking such branches and gathering them to be burnt in fire. This is exactly what we become once we don't abide in God. He is the source of our lives.
God is glorified through us when we bear much fruits as branches...  Proverbs 11:30. He goes all out  to prune us(  remove unwanted stuffs from us ) that we may become more fruitful, radiatingly sparkling and shining his light in our generation.... Matthew 5:16.
We become Jesus carriers on the inside and spreading out his fragrance, showing forth his splendour. We become the children of the greatest King that we are meant to be.

I pray that we stay connected to the source of our lives  always.


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