Wednesday 4 February 2015

I don't deserve this!

Ever wondered why certain things happen to you that cannot be traced to an earlier action that you took, or a spring of good breaks happen all at once during a period of your life and you begin to suspect some forces beyond the natural. I sincerely hope your case is not the opposite; disappointment from friends, rejection from family,victimisation at the workplace...and you feel that you are not getting a good share of life's goodies. Times like this, even the funniest comedian might sound so dry to you,living life becomes an herculean task...I know a guy who found himself in similar shoes. Heir to the throne,but at 5 he had to vacate the palace cos his grandfather was overthrown. In pursuit for safety of life, his nanny slipped,he fell and became lame and was relegated to live the slum life. ABANDONED. VICTIMIZED. DASHED HOPES. BUT (love this word in stories-need a but in your life), one day someone remembered a promise made that needed to be fulfilled- David remembered his promise to his childhood friend Jonathan to forever protect his lineage and guess who was the recipient of this promise,you guessed right - the abandoned, victimized crippled guy in the slum called Mephibosheth- meph for short. He asked for meph to be brought back to the palace and be treated as a prince. Get this, Meph did practically nothing to merit this gesture,it was not a reward - David was fulfilling a promise - period!. Same with you, God made a promise to help you and give you abundant life - trust Him,He will do it,it is not a reward,the price has been paid,the promise made and... We don't deserve it!

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