Monday 16 January 2017


Hello beautiful people of God, we at Lovespread are excited to welcome you into 2017! This promises to be an exciting and eventful year as we follow the leading of God’s spirit closely. We also welcome you to the first in our series of spirit-filled and inspired writings targeted at the total human person; spirit, soul and body.

Walking in love for the christian is not a matter of choice neither is it optional. The christian life is a love-life. This is because a christian is born with the ability to love. Love is his second nature and I make bold to say that the christian is unable to walk in hatred. Understand that when you get born again, you are born of God hence you share his very life and essence. Bible puts it this way  in the book of 2nd Peter 1:14“we are partakers of his divine nature”, this means that we have the very life and essence of God! Now if we share the very life and  essence of God? If we are like God then it is important to ask ourselves the question “What is God like”?. For the purpose of this write-up the simple answer to this is  that God is Love!. Notice we did not say “God has love” or “God is loving” even though these are not false statements, but “God is love!”. This is important because this tells us absolutely that love is not a character nor an attribute of God. God by his own very nature is love. If the above is true, then it is also true that we are born of God who is love, then this means we are born with the ability to love! The bible absolutely states this fact when it says in Romans 5:5 that “The love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost.” How wonderful is this experience! What this means is that one of the many miracles and transformations that happen at that life-changing moment when you make Jesus the Lord of your life is that as part of the new creation experience, the Holy Ghost steps in and sheds God’s love into your heart. Now you understand why we began by saying you absolutely have the capacity to love as a christian and you do not have the ability to hate! The only exceptio to the hate part is that you hate the things which God hates, chief of which is sin. However you cannot hate your fellow man or your brother in Christ. The apostle of love, St. John expresses this same fact in 1st John 4:7-8(KJV) where he wrote:
“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and anyone who loves is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love “

By the above scripture we can also say in addition to all written above that the regardless of a man’s past and how the devil has caused hurt in a life such that it seems a person is incapable of showing love,the amazing miracle of salvation has the power to turn around the most hardened heart as Jesus has destroyed the works of the evil one! You were born with a divine ability to show love!
Now that we have established the fact that we all were born with this ability, we can go on to consider the fact that of all the wonderful gifts of God, love perhaps is the single most important gift of God! To better state this Jesus summarised the totality of the law (the commandments of Moses) into two, which he listed as love for God and for your neighbour. This means that all the righteous demands of the law are fulfilled once we walk in love! Love is even more important than all outward expressions of the gifts of the Holy Ghost, as important as these are! We must therefore as Christians come to that point where we understand that love is not for the Church only neither is some form of pretence or outward demonstration of piety. Love is the very reason why we exist, love is everything. Love is the reason Christ came and died for sinful men. We cannot fulfil our role as ambassadors of God, infact we are totally incapacaitated as christians if we do not love.

Finally, how easy is it to love? This question is important especially for the millions of people who have gone through various forms of hurt and pain. For these it seems as though hatred is the natural and easy path. My response to this question is, once you let Jesus into your life and let his love heal you, it is much easier to love than to hate. Infact as we earlier stated, you become incapable of hate! This is because when love is your nature, it is easier to act as you are designed to than to act against your natural tendencies just as its easier for a fish to swim than to walk! Therefore as we enter into a new and exciting year and as you make plans for the coming year, let your thoughts, actions, deeds, motives and everything be guided by love. Child of God, let love lead because anything to the contrary would be walking against your very nature.

Wednesday 10 February 2016


I thought to share this with us.
Having read this article, it will clearly do you some good.
Please visit this link:

Monday 10 August 2015

Saturday 8 August 2015


It was surely an awesome time in God's presence at our camp meeting this year.

Click this link and be blessed as you listen

Here are some highlights of the moment in this audio. Listen and God bless you.

Thursday 9 April 2015


Thought to share this with you....
Fresh from the Father:

Your works will be tested by fire..
Whose fire?
God's approval of me is based on how well I know him  and how intimate our  relationship is with each other. He can only approve of me among billions when we know each other so intimately. And this knowing can not come until I dig deep in  search of him through his word..
That's why he said in His word "Study to show yourself approved unto God*...
You really need God's approval...
What do you think?

Monday 16 March 2015


What do you do when you are tempted?
And every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust (desires) and enticed--- James 1:14

Thinking about Jesus' response to his first test is pretty surprising. From all indication Jesus needed food so badly having been on a 40 day fast. This lesson teaches us to know that the devil usually comes in a subtle way especially when we are weak and down. He cunningly persuades Jesus to get him.
The devil knew that Jesus was desperately in need of something to eat. He comes tempting Jesus with what he really desires. Jesus knew that whatsoever the devil had to say is a lie. As a result he had prepared himself before hand to tackle the devil and his lies.

What do you when you are tempted with what you are in dire need of?
Are you prepared enough with God's word to be able to stand?

 Let's beware that no matter how appealing it may look whatever the devil gives is always destructive.

The bible encourages us in  Ephesians 6:12-13 to beware of the wiles of the devil. Jesus having gained the requisite experience in John 10:10 tells us the ultimate aim or goal of the devil. He said:
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life...(KJV)

Who is the thief here?
The devil--- the chief inventor of lies, John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

How deceitful is the devil?
I once heard a friend say there is no reason to listen at all to what the devil has to say because it may sound cute and interesting but it is never true. The bible encourages us to know that the evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse in the last days.  Satan has painted every bad as good for man's consumption today and unfortunately many are falling prey to his tricks and schemes.
We must be wise and stand our ground as Christians so as not be taken unaware by the deceitful schemes of Satan.