Wednesday 18 June 2014


Just a joke though, my friend just talked about the fact that since GOD created man from the dust that all human colours have been proven by him ( My friend) to be found in the sand. These are the races and  their sand representatives.

Africans ----- Black soil / Humus
Europeans --- Soil found at the sea side ( Beach)
Asians ( majorly chinese, koreans, japanese) ----- Sandy soil mixed with the beach side sand
Brazillians ---- Combination of different soil types

Can you guess where the clay soil falls and which part of the people of the world represent the clay soil?


Anonymous said...

thailand bcos of the way they look and their taught...........for the benefit of thailanias. they eat human beingd

Anonymous said...

Well i think the red indians should be the ones who are the clay soil

Anonymous said...

Are you crazy? Sand is dead soil, and there is no life in it. Do you see anything growing in the desert or on the beach? Sand colored people are not soil colored people.