Monday 21 October 2013

Faith4life 1

"...The just shall live by faith", this statement of truth implies that the child of God that desires to live a fruitful life should sign up to live beyond the physical realm(the sight realm). In life,we will face daunting challenges that will contest what we believe in God's word - it's called a trial of faith. This is why the believer needs to understand what faith really is - "Faith is acting on what you believe";It is the oxygen for the christian life,you ride on it to please God, to overcome challenges,to manifest God's power on your inside,it's like the trigger to bring forth the promises of God. The patriarchs walked in faith and they saw the mighty hand of God deliver them and give them victory (Heb.11);they crossed seas,delivered children of promise,overcame famine,received healing by faith in the mighty power of God they believed. The big question then is,"What do you believe?", Are you still inbetween two opinions?- We should come to that point where we have a resolute,unshakeable belief that the word of God is the final authority so much so that we act on it. A good example is the case of Peter walking on water- He despised the storm and the boisterous waves and acted on what he believed- the word God had given him...

Thursday 17 October 2013


Love Spread Naija: A TIME WITH THE FATHER (DEEP WATERS): Its another glorious time with the Father. A time filled with heavenly blessings and downpour of his manifestation. Come worship the Lord wi...


Its another glorious time with the Father. A time filled with heavenly blessings and downpour of his manifestation. Come worship the Lord with us as we draw closer to him, as our soul, spirit and body yearns for more his presence @


Venue: More 2 Much Restaurant, 32, Ijaiye road, Ogba, Lagos by Agege Stadium Bus stop.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Vision - Pathway to Greatness

"A man without vision is a man without direction"; grew up hearing those words from every nook and corner that it became sort of a cliche, and this led to an abuse of the subject.Albeit the importance of the topic can not be overemphasized. To this end let's briefly examine some truths: #Vision is your future in Design (3D)- Your ability to see ahead what you desire. It is an estimation of your potentials vis-a-vis your dream. #Vision is the ability to capture your future in pictures #Vision defines who you are #Vision simplifies your life #Vision helps you choose your friends wisely be continued


When we were under the law, we couldn’t live as Pure and holy people unto God. Isaiah 64:6 calls us unclean things and that all our righteousness were as filthy rags. This made the Israelites of those days not to be able to stand in the presence of the Lord because their standard  of holiness did not match with God’s required standard.  Rom 3:19
Therefore by the deeds of the law shall no man be justified in the sight of God; since the law isn’t his standard you cannot pass this examination of holiness. We cannot go into the holies of holies since  the standard of the law does not fit into the exact perfect holiness personified character required to stand in his presence. That is why after the law was given the children of Israel had no place before God whenever he spoke because they hadn’t  gotten what was required to be able to dwell with him in his presence daily. Exodus 34:2-3 tells us how God told MOSES to come meet him on the mountain in the morning without taking along anyone and that no one should come close to the mountain.
But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets Rom 3:21. This means the exact standard  and format of righteousness as God wants is now available. The genuine measure of righteousness  which is God’s standard is now manifested.
Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe. This original and God’s weighing scale of righteousness is now available by his grace and can only be received by anyone who believes in the birth, death and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST who is the only begotten son of God and the propitiator for our sins Eph 1:7. So just as the word says; as many as believed in him to them he gave the right to become sons of GOD.
This means since we have now attained GOD’S STANDARD of righteousness by his grace and by our faith, we can now obtain mercy directly from the throne of GRACE which was never possible before the mediator our Lord Christ Jesus died.
Rom 3:23 says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

This means if it were by our works or following the law no one would be able to stand in God’s presence. But since we have been justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ we are now able to get to (“Mount SINAI”) and talk to our heavenly father directly. What a wonderful work Christ did on the cross.


God’s way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith.
What are the acts of faith in a Christian’s life?
1. Being in Christ is an act of faith
2. Trusting God that he knows what is best  for you as a child of his is an act of faith.
3. Conforming your will to God’s plan for your life is an act of faith.
4. Believing God despite the trials and temptations you experience in your relationship with him is an act of faith.
5. This is because going through this trials and temptations makes you become more like Christ.

 In the words of Paul the apostle; for me to live and to die is gain Phil 1:21