Monday 29 September 2014

Uplifting worship (remain connected)

Hi all,
I found these songs to bless my spirit and soul every morning listening to them on youtube. They are wonderful uplifting songs of praise and worship to our Everlasting Father.
Here is the link : uplifting worship  or visit directly by clicking the  play  button on the video below.
Stay blessed and remain in his divine presence as you worship

Friday 26 September 2014


Jesus said: Abide in me and I in you, as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, no more can you, except you abide in me...... John 15:4

This illustration given by Jesus takes me to the trees. Did you know that no matter how big a branch happens to grow and become, even if it has almost become a giant tree from the stem, once it is cut off or disconnected from the stem, it suddenly begins to wither away, regardless of how big it had grown before it was disconnected or chopped off from the stem?

Giant branches having their source from the stem of a big tree.
This is exactly what Jesus was saying, no matter how fruitful we have become as branches connected to the vine (Jesus the source), once there is a disconnect, we begin to wither (die gradually), hence the devil comes in.---- who is always roaming about as a roaring lion looking for whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8)
But as long as we remain connected to the vine, we can grow to become giant branches even producing fruits, yielding seeds. WITHOUT GOD, we can do nothing, we are as good as dead.

A branch that is  cut off from the vine usually withers in no time, farmers go round picking such branches and gathering them to be burnt in fire. This is exactly what we become once we don't abide in God. He is the source of our lives.
God is glorified through us when we bear much fruits as branches...  Proverbs 11:30. He goes all out  to prune us(  remove unwanted stuffs from us ) that we may become more fruitful, radiatingly sparkling and shining his light in our generation.... Matthew 5:16.
We become Jesus carriers on the inside and spreading out his fragrance, showing forth his splendour. We become the children of the greatest King that we are meant to be.

I pray that we stay connected to the source of our lives  always.


Thursday 25 September 2014


God's love: STUDYING THE BIBLE: Simply reading the bible is not the same as studying. The bible is the divine word  of God and therefore deserves respect. The Bible is o...


Simply reading the bible is not the same as studying. The bible is the divine word  of God and therefore deserves respect. The Bible is one of the most misinterpreted books ever written, and most people find it to be very hard to understand. A long time and many cultures were involved between the time of the Bible’s composition and the modern age. The primary goal of studying the bible is to understand GOD’s divine purpose for man. Through the bible we understand God’s design and plan. The bible also reveals who God is to us through his spirit. Every other reason of studying the bible is secondary.  Firstly, we have to understand that the Bible is God's word written by men as they were inspired by the Holy spirit. 2 Peter 1:21

Joshua was instructed by God in his book thus: “this book of the law shall not depart from thy mouth, but shall meditate on it day and night and do according to all that is there in, and then thou shall make thy way prosperous and have good success.” Joshua 1:8
Paul also wrote to Timothy telling him to study to show himself approved unto GOD. 2 timothy 2:15a.

It is very paramount that we study the bible. As little children in the church we sang songs that meant so much more than we understood while we were infants. Songs like :
Read your bible, pray everyday, if you want to grow. The bible is God's manual

There is no regimented way of studying the bible, but we will consider some basic ways. 

1.Study the bible with an attitude of prayer: This should be the first step in understanding the Bible. Bible study should be approached with a prayerful desire to learn. Discipline yourself to be with the Word. The Bible will come alive for you. It is meant to be a spiritual food. Ask God to help you understand his word even before you begin.

      2. Plan your study: Set aside a time and place to study. Develop a plan of what you want to do. You may want to write out a plan in a calendar format assigning what you will want to read each day.  Purposely set aside time. Make an appointment with God at a particular time that works for you, if possible every day.

         3. Get a good study bible: Choose a translation to use during your study. You should select from translations, so that you make sure you are reading the text as it was meant to be read. Translations like the New International Version, New King James Version, English Standard Version are good.
         4.  Consider reading some books first:  I believe the book of John the Baptist is the easiest gospel to read. It identifies who Jesus really is and prepares you for the other 3 gospels. It would help to read it 2 or 3 times to get a good understanding of the author, topic, context, and characters. Concentrate on your reading and be patient.  When you are done with John, you can move to Matthew, Mark, Luke e.t.c. This is a personal idea of mine though.

        5. Use cross references and footnotes if you have them in your bible: These are little numbers and symbols which tell you to look somewhere else in the text for more information, or show you when something was previously discussed. 

Friday 19 September 2014


Venue: Kilometer 46, Redemption Camp Lagos Ibadan Express way

Check out some of the pictures captured during an awesome time in God's presence. So many of us were enraptured in the glory of His presence. This is what (God's glory) we radiate everywhere we go..............

You can see us on facebook here.

 Awesome worship

Blessed is the man that works not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of the sinners, nor sits in the seats of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and it that law doth he meditate day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the river side that yields it fruit in its season.

 How i long for thy salvation O lord, and thy law is my delight

                                 We are heirs of the Father, we are joint heirs with the son


We are one body in Christ

 Strolling and meditation that lead to an outburst of his spirit.

 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his court with praise. Be thankful unto him and bless his holy name.